The Karbi village (XIIIc) is situated in the Aragatzotn district at the right shores of the Kasagh River. At the end of XIIIc, because of Tamerlan’s invasion, the development of Karbi was suspended. In the first half of the XVIIc. Karbi suffered severely from the Turkish-Persian wars. However in 1639, after the Turkish-Persian peace, restoring and establishing trading for Karbi’s revival began. In 1724 the citizen’s of Karbi showed heroic resistance against the Osman army. During the second half of XVIIIc there was a currency changing place, where merchants could change their assets.
Karbi had churches, convents and monasteries. There is the St.Astvatzatzin (1691-1693) basilica church made from shaved tuff. There is also a two-storey church-bell-tower (1338) seemingly attached to the east of St.Astvatzatzin (Holy Virgin).
Other Karbi’s mid-century monuments are - Tziranavor, Tukh Manuk, and the St.Gevorg churches (XI-XIII). In the village and its surroundings the «Zargarents zham» chapel had been preserved.